
What a weekend. A mega-grocery shop followed by moving furniture in San Antonio yesterday, a trip to Temple today… and I’ve just now managed to find my living room floor. As you can imagine, it has not been a particularly word-rich weekend, at least as far as my manuscript is concerned.

Am taking a two minute break while dinner (Scarborough Faire chicken, which smells fabulous and involves — not surprisingly — parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) finishes up.

I am going to attempt to get up at 6:45 tomorrow to lock myself in my office and write before the kids get up. But I also have to reread the ms I just edited, to see if I need to do more.

Am also hoping to get to the gym at some point, but since I think the Y is closed (grr) I may be reduced to doing jumping jacks while watching Sex in the City in my TV room. Tomorrow night, when the kids are asleep, of course. I’d get another video, but the library will also be closed. Double grrr.

I was thinking about this; I think I’m unusual for a writer in that I have a bit of an extroverted streak. (Although the pendulum swings to the other end of the spectrum, as well, particularly after a busy, people-intense weekend like the one I’ve just gone through.) Where do all of you fall on the spectrum?

P.S. For those of you who asked for the book map, I realized just yesterday that it’s mystery-centered. It is easy to adapt for other kinds of books, though — tune in later this week, and I’ll tell you how. I’d do it now, but the timer’s going off…


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What a month!

Last time we spoke, I was headed to Malice. Now I’m back… and it was wonderful! Not only did I touch base with Maggie Sefton and Michele Scott (and finally meet my agent face-to-face for the first time since I pitched my book to her two years ago), but I met several authors I previously knew only by name. Tasha Alexander, Alesia Holliday (I sat next to her at the Berkley dinner; she’s incredibly prolific!), Diana Killian (lots of good energy!), Carolyn Hart (a legend), Joanna Carl (delicious culinary mysteries), Sara Rosett (fabulous new series), Maureen Robb… and I had a very nice lunch with Michele Scott and Dawn Dowdle. The talk, of course, was all about writing… and as always, I came back newly energized. Which is a good thing, since I’ve got a ton to write now! (And I’m already attacking it.)

I met with another new writer yesterday, and found myself expounding, as always, on the merits of setting a schedule and sticking to it. And realized that I have done a relatively poor job of defending my writing schedule lately — partially because I was between projects, I have said ‘yes’ to perhaps a few too many other writing-related commitments.

So after my dentist’s appointment this morning, I will no longer schedule more than one morning a week for anything other than writing. Because when it is a non-negotiable part of life, it becomes as natural as eating or breathing. When you are away from it more often than not, however, that faucet of creativity doesn’t flow as freely as it can. And writers are much happier when they’re writing… it’s true.

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